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Don't forget the journalists

I've written many times about the importance of not getting too obsessed with the 'social' side of news online, as there is still a vast amount of sales intelligence which can be drawn from the more traditional online sources, as it were. Recently there has been a lot of buzz around social investment and to be honest, much like a broken record, I thought I'd try and emphasis the point once more (because who doesn't like listening to a broken record repeating itself?...)

Online content does not HAVE to be social content. Whilst journalists are currently spending their lives trying to work out how to make some money online without using the dreaded 'paywall' word, they still ply their trade as news breakers, at the forefront of important content. Many point to the personal touch that social sources add to a sales trigger but at the end of the day statistics and facts are still very important and tapping into local news sources and highly respected journalists is equally important to monitoring Twitter feeds to check for any disgruntled employees opening Pandora's Box.

Local press, especially for a regional account manager can be an absolute goldmine for crucial information delivered on a plate at exactly the right time. It's progress online is being overshadowed by the demand for user content but in my view stands toe to toe for B2B relevancy and timely news stories. Don't leave it out of your strategies simply because it's not in vogue. Local papers will soon come back into fashion and when the renaissance comes make sure you're ahead of the game.


seo reseller said...

I agree, thanks for reminding me. Journalists are good for a writeup and a premium back-link at best.

B2B Portal said...

Nice write-up, I am a giant believer in commenting on blogs to assist the weblog writers know that they've added something worthwhile to the world vast internet!

seo reseller said...

A journalist collects and distributes information. They can make fine backlinks of your site.

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