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Re-evaluating is a skill which shouldn't be overlooked

The old saying goes 'if it ain't broken don't fix it' but does that really stand up to modern day business? Those who have built up years and years of experience like to lean heavily on that, and quite rightly so, but that's not to say you shouldn't be willing to try new things. In fact the likelihood is, opening yourself up and exploring possibilities is probably what made you so successful in the first place.

A big role to play in sales intelligence

Bold statement alert: The increasingly referenced role of Chief Listening Officer within large organisations could well be THE breakthrough for companies getting to grips with online, social sales intelligence. The CLO seems to popping up more and more in the opening months of 2011 and as a landmark position, it's importance can not be underestimated in the current content heavy climate. Kodak and Dell have been the front runners thus far but if other companies aren't looking to follow suit then I will quite happily take advice from a dated phrase and offer to eat my hat.

Data hangs around - Timing doesn't

If you're in sales, or sales intelligence what do you consider to be more important; a huge heap of knowledge syphoned from lots and lots of data, or calling at exactly the right time? This is an important question in today's market as two trains of thought appear to forming about the best way to tackle the vasts amount of information on the web and turn it into valuable sales insight. It's data v timing and both corners would claim to have a considerable amount of support.

The daily online Q&A

Here's a few things I ask myself pretty much every morning now, right after my first hit of coffee and just before I start to let everything else get in the way of the day. In my opinion, it's a simple and affective Q&A session with myself to make sure I'm staying in touch with the game: