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The daily online Q&A

Here's a few things I ask myself pretty much every morning now, right after my first hit of coffee and just before I start to let everything else get in the way of the day. In my opinion, it's a simple and affective Q&A session with myself to make sure I'm staying in touch with the game:

1) Do I know what people are saying about me online today?
2) Do I know what my competitors are doing online today?
3) What am I going to do online today to get noticed?

Three incredibly simple steps to hone in your thoughts before any working day. Everyday is different, the online world moves that fast. What could've been a great day yesterday can instantly become a non starter the next. It's vital to keep constantly tackling the 3 questions above and to keep things fresh. Every morning just give it a try. If you know the answer to even one of them, you stand to have a much more productive day than if you don't.


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