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£600 Million spent on Social software last year

If you're a football fan like me, on this the day of the transfer window, £600million might not seem like an awful lot of money (about 3 Manchester City signings to put it into perspective) but make no mistake, in reality that number is absolutely huge. That spend, in terms of CRM implementation will increase from 4% to 10% of all projects this year which tells you something about the upward curve facing the social business craze.

With Salesforce opening up free Chatter to all and Facebook and Linkedin both seemingly set for further heavy investment it's time we all got a bit more sociable apparently. You can only ignore the inevitable for so long and pretty soon getting involved will be considered standard, not above and beyond. Just today, I discovered a very well known American brand had no presence and immediately thought less of them. It was a natural instinct; they are well and truly behind.

What's interesting is that sales professionals are seen as the least aggressive adopters. What seems like the perfect platform to interact with customers and prospects is still being overlooked. Now is not the time to be standing still and waiting for something to happen. Now is the time to make something happen.


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