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Have your processes grown stale?

We've all been there haven't we? That stage where we become perfectly comfortable in routine and close our minds to any other way of thinking. It almost becomes a bit like a superstition. I am not superstitious by nature but it pains me to admit I once went through a spell where I wouldn't walk onto a football pitch without listening to Chumbawamba's 'I get knocked down.' For some reason that went over the head of all therapy groups attended, I truly believed I couldn't possibly kick a football until I'd been graced by the presence of such an outrageously ghastly song.

I share that not because I want to publicy humilate myself, but because it shows that sometimes outdated processes and trains of thought can not make an awful lot of sense when considered properly. Being comfortable is great, and whatever gets you confident, especially in a sales environment, should be used to it's full affect. But shutting your eyes to forward thinking can be a little bit dangerous.

Ask Myspace, who announced job cuts of over 600 this week. I bet when they were sitting by the pool toasting champagne to the fact 'they'd made it' a few years back, they couldn't possibly see how quickly their decline would come. It doesn't take much these days to be considered out of date.

So ask yourself in the New Year, are there ways to improve? Just because your comfortable manually searching the web, doesn't necessarily mean it's the most efficient way to find data. Just because you don't 'get' Twitter, don't dismiss it as redundant. And just because you had good sales results last year, don't assume that the same techniques will work a charm in 2011. I saw a quote today which read 'the road to success is always under construction.' Something to bear in mind for the year ahead.


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