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Are you seeking out the sales?

It's become quite easy to make excuses these days. 'Times are tough', 'no one's buying' and 'everyone's waiting to see what happens' have been mixed with the old classics like 'it's summer, summer's always dead.' This cocktail of negativity makes it far too easy to slump at your desk feeling rather sorry for yourself and not really put 100% into a sale. And don't get me wrong, times ARE tough, and you'd be perfectly within your rights to throw in the towel, turn off the lights, and do all those other stereotypical things related to giving up (how about growing one of those famous Hollywood beards that say 'I'm down and out'?)

But what people should remember is just because the market is tough doesn't mean your service is no longer required. In fact, it's almost completely the opposite, especially if you're a cost cutting service. Yes, people are less willing to throw money at solutions but I can guarantee that everyday a company is suffering a pain that needs fixing by your product or service. The problem is finding the ones in this pessimistic market willing to make that change.

That's where sales triggers come in. Identifying potential customers that are crying out for help, or locating new managers that are looking to make big changes in their department, even potential customers falling over hurdles because they've yet to discover what a company like yours can offer. They are out there, I see it everyday. So don't take the easy route. Don't fall back on excuses. Do something different today. Of course, I recommend automating the search for triggers because I've seen the power it can have. But I'm not just talking about that. Instead of slumping back in your chair and letting things get you down, do something positive. Chase a sale. They are still out there...

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