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Special mention to this marketing automation article

For someone who spends the week saving up gold for Friday's weekly 'best of sales' piece I probably shouldn't be sharing links on a Wednesday. But sometimes you come across articles that just talk so much sense, they can't possibly sneak through Thursday without a mention.

Check out the 5 justifications for marketing automation on the Sales Lead Management Association blog. There are some absolutely spot on points in there that just made me sit back and nod continually.

The article talks about the buying cycle in a digital world and also refers to something we've mentioned once or twice on here (to understate it somewhat) the cost of sales. Wasting time on prospects who are quite simply at the wrong stage to buy is an expensive process and if you're not aware when the right times are you're not doing enough research to justify a sell. A tip of the cap to the 5 justifications for marketing automation. Now just to find something that'll top it for Friday!

A week in sales....24/9/10

The Artesian blog takes a look at some of the top sales tips and blog posts from around the web this week:

Customers expect more than just an expert on your product

Be honest with yourself here; think about the last sales call you made and ask yourself 'did I appreciate the customer's pain?' Looking at things from a customer's perspective can offer real insight into whether your product fits and potentially, what you may need to ultimately do to make sure it does.

Reaching out at the right time the biggest factor in accelerating sales?

Finally got round to watching the last installment of the Trigger event webinar series by Craig Elias and Tibor Shanto today. For those of you yet to watch them I really recommend a viewing as the series breaks down the use of sales triggers and supports the value of striking at just the right time (see here).

A week in sales...

The Artesian blog takes a look at some of the top sales tips and blog posts from around the web this week:

Finding and connecting with your customers online

Tune in today at 2pm for a free webcast with CEO Andrew Yates and VP Mike Blackadder. Watch it all here:

A BrightTALK Channel

Times they are a changing

Two things I'd like to share today. Number one being the latest Tech Media invest 100 from the Guardian which I'm pleased to say recognised us again (see here). It's really encouraging to see so many companies succeeding in web space and to make it two years running is a real honour for us.

Salesforce Chatter going mobile

If you're not mobile these days you're not a lot and it's great to see Salesforce's chatter becoming available on the move (see article here)Keeping updated with colleagues no matter where you are is becoming easier and easier and their is simply no excuse for no longer being in the loop.

Stop the social media leak early

You know those scenes in Hollywood films where a gas leak is slowly creeping towards a lighted cigarette, or something equally flammable? (I think Batman Begins was the latest blockbuster to use this fool proof suspense tactic when a hapless taxi driver happens to throw a cigarette butt into the main gas tunnel - might want to get onto town planning there...)