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Special mention to this marketing automation article

For someone who spends the week saving up gold for Friday's weekly 'best of sales' piece I probably shouldn't be sharing links on a Wednesday. But sometimes you come across articles that just talk so much sense, they can't possibly sneak through Thursday without a mention.

Check out the 5 justifications for marketing automation on the Sales Lead Management Association blog. There are some absolutely spot on points in there that just made me sit back and nod continually.

The article talks about the buying cycle in a digital world and also refers to something we've mentioned once or twice on here (to understate it somewhat) the cost of sales. Wasting time on prospects who are quite simply at the wrong stage to buy is an expensive process and if you're not aware when the right times are you're not doing enough research to justify a sell. A tip of the cap to the 5 justifications for marketing automation. Now just to find something that'll top it for Friday!


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