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Stop the social media leak early

You know those scenes in Hollywood films where a gas leak is slowly creeping towards a lighted cigarette, or something equally flammable? (I think Batman Begins was the latest blockbuster to use this fool proof suspense tactic when a hapless taxi driver happens to throw a cigarette butt into the main gas tunnel - might want to get onto town planning there...)

Either way, those scenes are a good way of describing the relationship between social media and businesses. When the leak first starts it's invariably a small burst, not too dangerous but obviously a bit of an issue. It goes unnoticed though, and gradually builds up, spreading down the pipe and heading towards the aforementioned lighted object. If it reaches it, there's no turning back, things are going to explode pretty uncontrollably for the next 20 minutes or so (again, I refer you to Batman Begins.)

What's this got to do with social media and business I hear you ask? Well social media has made it much easier for the national press to get hold of potentially brand damaging personal stories. One rant on one blog can suddenly lead to an influx of backlinks and retweets and before you know it, boom, the nationals have a hold of it and from there, the damage is done. If you're monitoring the pipes though, checking for early signs of leaks, listening to the customer, then you can stop it all before it's far too late. Listening is the key and reacting effectively. Whilst it may not be great cinema, it's certainly great for business to stop the media explosion that will inevitably follow a growing buzz.


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