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Contact Mining - more than just a name

Everyone's looking for a name, a path into the business, a contact to cling onto. But searching for names can bring back more than just a static phone number. Yes it's important to know who you're targeting but it's also important to make sure you're in line with their ideologies.

By monitoring a potential contact online you can follow comments made, campaigns launched and general business activity that can lead to a phone call at just the right time. Imagine if a CEO has just given a key note speech that was so successful it made it to the press. Wouldn't it be a great start to the conversation to congratulate them on the event and instantly show that you care. We're not talking about rummaging through bins stalking here, we're talking about showing your dedication and knowledge within an industry.

Not only will you present yourself as someone who keeps up with industry affairs, you also have the perfect ice breaker, the perfect way to lead a conversation down the path you want. So remember that whilst the name is important, it's what you do with it that counts.


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