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Acting quickly on a sales lead is vital

Was fascinated to see the latest research from Lead360 who claimed that calling a prospect 6 times AT THE RIGHT TIME increases conversion rates by 94% plus. That almost takes away the need for a percentage, you might as well say it definitely increases conversion rates...

If you're going to call a prospect 6 times though (they recommend 3 in the opening day of the lead!) you best have your facts right. That is a lot of selling time and your potential customer isn't going to want to waste that amount of time on someone who doesn't have the answers.

This study further highlights how sales triggers are now a necessity not an optional. Contact at the right time can only mean contacting after a trigger event. They refer to 'striking whilst the iron is hot'. It can not get much hotter than directly after a trigger event. With such fierce competition for business you can ill afford to rely on the occasional search to find these trigger events. You need to be monitoring companies, relevant topics, key insights that will get you in the door quickly. It is as simple as that.


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