Sometimes a deal may not go quite according to plan. Any salesperson reading that will be hitting their hand against their forehead sarcastically uttering 'well duh!'. Rarely will the pipeline unfold exactly how you planned it and sometimes it's your versatility and ability to maneuver around tricky situations which make or break a contract.
There may be times when you even miss out on the deal completely, or don't make the sale successful. It's all too easy to write it off and move on but as I've said on this blog so many times circumstances can change very, very quickly. If it's easy enough to do, what harm is it to continue monitoring the situation. Keep the work you've put in, the data you've collected and file it in a notebook. Keep checking the daily alert for that company, waiting for an opportunity.
Imagine if a trigger arises. If you uncover that they're unhappy with their new partner, or a management shift has bought on internal changes and important operational reshuffles. You've got the head start on everyone else. You've got the work you've already put in safely stashed away and ready to re-negotiate with. That's something I like about our system so much. What before might have seemed quite a complicated, time-wasting practise is now so easy it would be criminal not to follow it, just to see, if nothing else, what might happen.
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