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Do you really want to see the world?

Because of pressure to do so, and word of mouth that has turned more into Chinese whispers, there seems to be an obsession with tracking everything on social media. The desire is there to watch for every mention, decipher between the good and the bad and hear every last word about a company that exists on the world wide web. Why? If you are planning on doing this ask yourself that very question. What are you going to do with that info.

What is actually useful is actionable data that can be used to form closer connections to those that need to be connected. Data that can be used as a sales trigger or a potential way in with someone who perhaps was unattainable through other mediums. Do you really want to see everything, or do you just want to see everything that helps build a strategy?

Sometimes seeing everything just makes things more blurry and shrouded in doubt. Take a moment to blinker the view, and everything down that path suddenly becomes much, much clearer.


phd dissertation writing said...

Looks like a lovely book and will check it out at the library. Love the words from it..."wondrous castle" etc

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