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Read a really interesting article from Gartner analyst Michael Maoz this morning which looked at the idea of jumping into unknown waters too quickly, just because everybody else was donning their swimming caps and readying a dive. He argues that businesses are guilty of taking this approach a bit with social CRM, realising they're joining the game late and wondering how it can all really make things better.
Finding the relevant data
Autonomy's mantra on their website best concludes what we've all known for a long, long time: "Human-friendly or unstructured information is not naturally found in the rows and columns of a database, but in documents, web pages, presentations, videos, phone conversations, emails and IMs". The web is changing and that is only good news for the enterprise.
I watched with interest last week as many media pundits and social experts alike blamed a better way of communicating for causing the shocking riots that rocked much of the UK. Indeed, many spectators and opinion leaders were calling for the sites to be banned, not just temporarily but altogether, as if a leech on society draining it of common decency (admittedly the latter did spring from the Daily Mail). Forgive me for being naive but surely better ways of spreading a message and sharing conversation can not be classed as 'dangerous' just because of a certain niche audience that choose to abuse it?