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Running into social CRM without checking how cold the water is

Read a really interesting article from Gartner analyst Michael Maoz this morning which looked at the idea of jumping into unknown waters too quickly, just because everybody else was donning their swimming caps and readying a dive. He argues that businesses are guilty of taking this approach a bit with social CRM, realising they're joining the game late and wondering how it can all really make things better.

In fact, interestingly the article pinpoints a survey suggesting a startling correlation between a decline in customer satisfaction since the launch of 'social' CRM. But social media is like a plug socket; if you connect it to the right things it can power an entire room. Poke it with a fork and you're going to get a bit of a shock.

The key is to not topple a deck of cards just so you can start again with a brand new pack. CRM systems work and integrating current practises into the new world is just as important as embracing it. The old values still apply; customers want to feel valued and also that you understand their points of view. 'Social' should not be viewed as the only answer, just another string to your bow.

Using it in the right way involves a mixture of identifying the influencers that can help you, and contributing effectively to your community whilst all the time listening in on crucial feedback and insight. People share things on social media they might not anywhere else, but that's not to say they're not sharing things anywhere else.

Play the social card right and you've gone from 2D knowledge to 3D; you've got an extra advantage to use at your disposal. Dive in and implement the wrong strategies and you go from 2D'll just mess it up!

But there is value in social CRM; real, ROI value. I've seen it in action and unlike a UFO spotting or a flying pig, others have seen it too.


Joseph P. said...

Business CRM is good in starting new business, and to the aspiring businessman. They can suggest to give you plan and organize your business enterprise. Although social media has it role in building business but we should not rely all our plan on this, we should take plan as our own.

Joseph @ Small Business CRM

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