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Gartner survey highlights a huge discrepancy

Read a fascinating insight on social media strategy from Gartner yesterday and wanted to share some results from the survey straight away. See if you can spot the discrepancy between these two answers:

1)Question: What is the top reason your organization is investing in social media? 155 people answered this question.

36% – Strengthen customer relationships

30% – Enhance brand awareness

6% – Share information with business partners

25% – Help people find and work better with each other

3% – Meet CEO or board objectives

2) Question: Who is leading your social media initiatives? 168 people answered this question.

27% – Multiple lines of business

10% – Social media steering committee

18% – IT

35% – Marketing

10% – Other support orgs (PR, HR, etc.)

Full report here

So the top scoring answer for question one is to strengthen customer relationships yet there is not a mention of account managers or sales teams mentioned in question 2? The figures between Marketing (35%) and brand enhancement (30%) add up but somewhere along the line customer teams seem to have gone missing.

If this is really the case I'll leave you with the question, if online materials can be used to help build customer relationships then why aren't we exploiting it? There seems to be a lot of catching up to do...


Henry Jakson said...

The survey reveals continued localizations of usage, whereby certain country-specific social characteristics dictate preferences. However, large global brands, such as Facebook are making headway in countries where they have not historically been strong.

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seo reseller said...

Thanks for sharing the results. This gives me the insight I need for a similar writing.

Britney Palmer said...

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Thanks for sharing knowledge..
Customer Survey

Virtual Boardroom said...
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Virtual Boardroom said...
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Virtual Boardroom said...

Gartner Survey Reveals More than Half of Respondents Have Adopted Open-Source Software Solutions as Part of IT Strategy Lower Cost of Ownership Continues to Be a Major Driver, but Respondents Are Increasingly Looking to OSS to Provide Competitive Advantage.
Virtual Consultants

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