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Daily News Round Up 08/07

The Artesian blog takes a look at the morning headlines:

Google to launch operating system
- Google is developing an operating system (OS) for personal computers, in a direct challenge to market leader Microsoft and its Windows system.

Google Chrome OS will be aimed initially at netbooks, the low-cost portable computers that have turned the PC world upside down. (full story)

'No fee degrees' university plan - The government is considering "no fee degrees", in which students in England would not pay tuition fees - but would not get any loans or other support.

These could be aimed at university students living at home with their parents, allowing them to avoid debt. (full story)

Govt White Paper Seeks To Rebuild Bank Trust
- Banks are supposed to help create wealth, recently they've done a pretty good job of destroying it - little wonder "banker" has become something of a dirty word.

Today the Chancellor will attempt to making the financial system safer and restore public trust in banking. (full story)

MPs breaking tax laws, chief inspector says
- MPs are regularly breaking the law by failing to pay tax on their expenses, the country's chief tax inspector told the committee probing House of Commons allowances yesterday.

Formal investigations have been launched into the tax affairs of a number of MPs in recent weeks, and the authorities have sent out letters inviting all 644 to come clean about their expenses. (full story)

Man stung 200 times after falling on wasp nest - A man was taken to hospital after he was stung more than 200 times by wasps.

The victim was attacked by a swarm of the insects after he fell into their nest in London Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire just after 5pm on Monday. (full story)


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