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Google's Perch is so high, no one can hear them laughing

There's only one winner in a handicap match

For years now, Google has been used to holding off search engine midgets at arms length with very little fuss. Now the midgets have changed tact and have climbed on one another's shoulders in an attempt to cause more damage. But should Google be worried? It all depends how you view the deal.

You could argue that two brains are better than one, and the merger between Microsoft and Yahoo offers both stability and a solid foundation with which to build on to compete with the search engine giant. There is no question that the agreement will certainly have Google sitting up and taking notice.

But, to me, it feels like quite a weak move, almost an acceptance of defeat. Yahoo has been fighting off the advances of Microsoft for quite some time, adamant of tackling the Google issue alone. To give in now strikes of last resort, especially seeing as they have already tried to get on Google's side in previous negotiations as well.

Not to mention the fact that this deal only gives a 30% combined share of the ad market compared to Google's 65%! That still seems a giant gap for two such prestigious companies to attempt to catch up. Had the deal been done earlier who knows, but even the best 100m sprinter would struggle to win a race if they started when everyone else was already half way down the track.

I'm ashamed to admit I used to watch wrestling when I was a kid (sure I'm not the only one with this dark secret) and back then, when two fighters took on one (a handicap match; don't pretend like you didn't know!) the solitary fighter always came out the good guy and the tag team always left the ring looking weak, bitter and rather pathetic. I do wonder whether Yahoo and Microsoft will end up looking the same as a pair of disappointed, spandex loving heels? Only time will tell.


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