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An alert before the alert

In the main, you can quite easily tell the difference between someone who is actively monitoring prospects and someone who is not. Someone who isn't will see a breaking headline like 'Company A holding a pitch' or 'Company A seeking new contractor' and assume it's a good thing. Someone who is tracking prospects will see this as an opportunity lost.

Craig Elias referred to something in his recent webinar videos known as 'the window of dissatisfaction.' That's when a company is frustrated by a service or problem, but yet to actively do anything about it. That is the prime time to be offering your solution.

If a company is already searching, the likelihood is they will already have talked to others and be a significant way down the line with them before you've even had the chance to utter hello. Spotting the window of dissatisfaction is much trickier than doing the odd Google search before a phone call.

By monitoring a company, being alerted to what the top executives are saying, what the key decision makers are planning, you can get a sense of the ideologies and strategies long before the big story breaks. In fact, if you act upon your surveillance, that story might never break at all. What was 'Company A holds a pitch' might well just become 'Company A signs deal with (insert your company here.)'


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