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Quantity can be quality...if used the right way

As someone who often preaches about the need to stop drinking from the fire hose, it'll probably surprise some to see a headline such as the one above. Quantities can provide vital information at just the right time, the problem is, knowing how to use it.

Any business Twitter users will know that tracking any mention of a product or brand can be frustrating. It's all very well wanting to listen to customers and respond to their needs but realistically it's tough to react to every negative comment individually (where do you start with 'Company inc sucks!' for example?) But if in a day 300 people suddenly share the same sentiment, you know something is probably amiss. A surge in regular activity, for those monitoring online buzz noise can act as a live catalyst to respond to quickly, which suddenly puts relevance to the vast amounts of noise out there.

Don't get me wrong, the content is crucial too, but imagine the power of putting context to the data without even reading the story. With buzz monitoring you can identify quickly that something is happening. Whereas looking for the detail can be frustrating and time consuming, looking for the volumes can be insightful and provide a business with a platform to respond swiftly.


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