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The buzz of buzz monitoring

The perfect example of buzz monitoring lit up my day yesterday and highlighted the benefits of using the system. Caped crusader Batman was years ahead of his time on this when he created the batsignal to alert him to big news long before the days of email, but besides the nuisance of sliding down a pole and donning an irritaintgly tight superhero outfit, the buzz of my alert felt, I imagine much the same.

The company in quesion on average got around 20 or so mentions a day on the Worldwide web including Twitter, Blogs and news items. So I'd set my email thresholds to only inform me if that number doubled on any given day. Low and behold I check my inbox yesterday morning to see that in actual fact the number has quadrupled. Delving into my Artesian watchlist I see that the company has been acquired and the buzz was in fact correct with it's hunch that something big was going on.

That is pretty damn powerful when you think about it. If I hadn't set that threshold, and been busy with other arrangement all day, I almost certainly would've missed the news. I could have of course stumbled across it in a search had I been looking, but let's be honest, you can't do that for every customer or prospect every single day.

But because the threshold was set, and the buzz went flying over it, I was simply alerted to the breaking announcement at the right time with absolutely no hassle whatsoever. I bet if you asked him now, Batman would consider email.


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