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Social media monitoring article

I know Friday tends to be my day of sharing but I've come across a couple of things to do with social media in the last couple of days which probably deserve to be highlighted sooner rather than later.

Firstly this fantastic article from Jorgen Sundberg I came across which, entitled 'the Business case for social media', really perfectly step by step outlines the benefits of jumping on the social bandwagon. There are of course hundreds of these articles populating the many good blogs on the web (I've been known to dabble on the subject myself) but credit where credit is due, this is a very well presented argument.

The other link is somewhat more irreverent but probably sums up how some businesses feel about social media currently. This is taken from the DailyMash satire site and the title 'EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE IS INSANELY COMPLICATED EXCEPT THIS NEW THING, SAYS FACEBOOK' probably says enough to sum it up. Enjoy!


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