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Twitter hides 8.7% of pure gold

'Go Find'

Don't ask me how they know, or how they found out but apparently 40% of Tweets on the social networking site Twitter are complete and utter 'babble'. The study, carried out by US firm Pear Analytics found that only 8.7% of messages could "be said to have value".

Picture just how big Twitter is in terms of sheer volume (in march it had 8m users just in the US!) and then think how difficult it would be for the human eye to find this value on it's own. It's the equivalent of leaving a twenty pound note somewhere in the States and telling someone to 'go find'.

But if it was easier to do, this information would certainly be worth having. Twitter can provide breaking news, useful opinion and an insight like very few other sights can offer. Twitter has become like a diary room for business, a place people use to validate ideas and bring home their viewpoint.

With semantic technology, this value can be tracked, and only the useful content will be surfaced without the hassle of a search. Whilst finding a twenty pound note somewhere in the States might still be virtually impossible, hunting the Internet in a similar way is fast becoming possible. 8.7% might seem like a low figure, but if you can find that 8.7% with little trouble, why would you not take advantage of it?


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