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Sales tips, join the dots

You must be in the know

Take a look at these five sales techniques taken from a variety of guides and notice the obvious trend:

1) Answers to questions can make or break a deal. If you don’t have the answer, you need to find it.

2) When you make the phone call, make sure you are absolutely certain about the product.

3) Ask the right questions and the prospect will tell you what they want and how they need to be sold.

4) Know your customer's business. Customers expect you to know their business, customers and competition as well as you know your own product or service. Study your customer's industry. Know it's problems and trends. Find out who his biggest competitors are.

5) Develop a list of reasons why a customer should buy from you.

The trend is quite simple, these tips are not about the sales technique at all, they all point to having a firm backdrop of knowledge before you can even start thinking about selling. This knowledge, as shown above, can provide many advantages whether it be answering questions to impress, or developing a list of triggers indicating why you are right for the company in question.

Of course, gaining this knowledge is easier said than done. But companies such as Artesian are making it much easier to gain sales advantage without having to put in crazy hours to do so. Especially in these trying times for businesses it is essential to have the edge over your competitors and unfortunately, not having the knowledge is likely to result in not having the business.

The famous sales saying is 'don't sell the product, sell the advantages of the product' to the customer. Knowing exactly what the client wants and the market they're wanting it in, goes a long way to achieving this. Finding your sales advantage has never been so important.


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