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247 billion emails...come on, keep up

Daily...Yes, daily 247 billion emails are sent. By 2013 that'll be 507 billion. Daily!! For those who want to see that in digits, that's 507,000,000,000,000 (in English terms).

Those of you who set up daily alerts, be it Google alerts, site specific feeds or general subscriptions know it is all too easy to skim over your daily intake. And why shouldn't you? It's an easy habit to get into, just to spot the formulaic mail and gloss over it, missing the key detail. It is simply not plausible to keep interested in so much noise (I find 9/10 stories from a Google alert are completely irrelevant).

We're now developing a system that allows greater personalisation to an alert than ever. The user can not only match a company with a topic (say mergers and acquisitions) but they can also choose, based on noise volumes, when that news is important enough to be alerted to it. That is an incredibly powerful tool. And having everything relevant in one alert means you don't gloss over the detail. And more importantly, you set the ground rules, so if it's in the inbox, you know it's important. 247 billion emails or not, there is only one you need to check every morning.


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