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Salesforce putting the pieces together

Before we venture into the important stuff I just want to bask in the glory of my glorious headline, effortlessly summarising the news that Salesforce have acquired the company Jigsaw for a $142 million price tag. Other titles considered included 'Salesforce completes the jigsaw (acquisition)' and 'Saleforce find missing piece of the puzzle'... I thank you.

Moving on from my pun related arrogance, yes, this is the news that the contact data provided by Jigsaw will now form part of Salesforce's ever increasing functionality. It is sure to be a popular acquisition with users, although sadly you no longer get paid for uploading contact details :( Spoil sports.

Whilst it is certain to add another string to Saleforce's bow, as I've preached on here for a long while now, although the contact is useful, it is ultimately the reason for contact that helps along the sales process. Having a gem of insight that can be used as a reason for your call is what gets the attention. Knowing a number is one thing, bringing relevance to a call is another.


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