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Life should be event driven, just ask Eurostar!

A ridiculous conversation got my mind racing this morning. I was debating the key elements of my manifesto should I form a party and run for parliament (as you do). One of my main policies was to scrap bank holidays and instead deploy a system where if the sun is shining brightly and the temperature hits a certain level before 7am the day is declared a national holiday, thus letting everyone enjoy the day and not worry about being rained on during a long weekend stuck in a Cornish tent (not that I'm drawing upon personal experience).

Then I thought about the recent volcanic chaos that saw Eurostar hike their prices to near mortgage levels, something they'd only previously done during the summer holiday weeks. Everything now is reactive, not formulaic. Everywhere you look people are acting on events. An England fan has become so disillusioned by stories of expensive hotels in South Africa that he's bought his own property in Cape Town and claims to have already recouped most of the money from supporters willing to pitch tents in the garden and book out the spare rooms for 4 weeks.

A business decision is so much more effective when it has something to work off, an action or event it can respond to. So whilst, its probably safe to say you shouldn't be voting for me just yet - as soon as I sort this whole budget thing out I'll let you know and we can get serious - it is certainly worth considering being far more reactive in day to day affairs.


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