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The case for automated search

What's known as a landslide. You're about to see another one

Prepare yourself for an alarming fact...Or at least a mildly interesting one you probably already knew. 86% of enterprise users are not satisfied with their search experience, and that's according to Google! 86%! Believe it or not, 86% aren't happy trawling through endless data, killing hours and hours of time which could be spent doing something much more productive...Actually, when you put it that way, how are 14% happy?!

Knowledge workers, still in the opinion of Google here, waste an average 2 hours a day trying to find the info they need. That's 25% of an average working day and 10 hours a working week. Quite simply, far too much time.

This trend can not continue. Data will only continue to grow and eventually it'll be impossible to track manually (if it isn't already, which arguably, it probably is). Improving search is not the answer, improving software is. Making it easier for consumers to sift through the data is not the answer, delivering relevant insight directly to them is. Manual search is not the answer, automated search is.


Stephan Schillerwein said...

Very interesting! Could you please provide a link to the report mentioned?

Thank you!

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