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The priority is not to find the customer, but to find the customer's opinion

In a world where 'interacting with the customer' has supposedly never been so easy it's amazing how many companies still have absolutely no idea how to handle feedback and discussion on the mass scale of the social media filled web. It's all too easy for someone to say go track Facebook, or Twitter, or the blog network but just because these things are there and available doesn't necessarily make them easy to navigate. 8 million people walk around London everyday. You wouldn't ask someone to go out and gather insight from all of them would you?

The social networks are platforms for people to communicate opinion, but ultimately you're only interested if it's opinion on your product. Joe Bloggs might only ever make one comment on your product, but it might be a very valuable one. Problem is, you can't manually track Joe Bloggs forever, waiting for that moment of user feedback.

The sheer scale of content like this is giving organisations a big incentive to use automated media monitoring software. In an ever increasing space finding your customer will become a pivotal tool for companies looking to respond to user feedback. Yes, you can set up places for people to share their views but that means they have to come to you first. By simply using automated spiders able to detect key content at key times you're going directly to your customer's insight. That is very, very powerful indeed.


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