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Ipad sales highlights hunger for online news

This is hands down the least technical quote that'll you probably ever hear on this blog (you can hold me to that) but I recently asked an Ipad buyer the advantages of the new Apple device and their exact quote was 'well, it's just like a big Iphone isn't it.'

Make no mistake, if the draw of an I-PHONE was to make phone calls, bigger would certainly not be better. Apps are compatible for the Iphone, and are therefore easy to use, so that's not the 'needs to be bigger' issue. So that leaves web access being the key reason as to why bigger is better in this respect. Using the Internet on the Iphone has always been clunky and the IPad provides a greater platform on which to browse whilst on the move.

Apple yesterday announced 2 million unit sales since the launch of the IPad. And that's before it's released in many countries. That doesn't bode well for print media. The message here is that people are happy to consume web news on the go and with automated web search now able to hone in on news relevant to the user, this trend is only going to go one way.


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