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The "4 Ways Social Media is changing business" is actually 5

A very interesting article by Soren Gordhamer on Mashable yesterday looked at the ways Social Media is changing the business model. The main conclusions stated that businesses have gone:

1. From "Trying to Sell" to "Making Connections"
2. From "Large Campaigns" to "Small Acts"
3. From "Controlling Our Image" to "Being Ourselves"
4. From "Hard to Reach" to "Available Everywhere"

Whilst I agree with points 2,3 and 4, the constant harassment of companies telling me I can 'vastly increase my traffic' and 'save hundreds on back linking techniques' suggests to me that selling is well and truly alive even if the salesman is selling connections. That said, it has certainly given businesses another strategy and another view point.

One point I feel is missed from the list however is that of internal communications. Social media has provided a platform for departments to share and liaise without the hassle of email. Here at Artesian the software we use, allowing consumers to create forums relating to online articles, makes for better sales intelligence and vastly improved corporate research results. Personally, I've found this process to not only be a real time saver, but also a way of keeping everyone on the same page when keeping up to date with relevant news and insight.


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