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Now is a great time for companies to snap up a search deal

Search engines are forever working on ways to purify search and give users more relevant results but the rivalry between Bing and Google seems to working in a rather counter productive manner. In the constant battle to recruit companies onto their side Microsoft and Google are in actual fact striking deals to make search results more about strategy than quality.

Two very recent examples: Bing signing a deal with Thomas Cook in a marketing drive offering free holidays to customers in return for Thomas Cook pitching up top of it's travel queries. And not to be out done, Google's convenient sponsored ad from Apple that accompanies typing in 'Windows 7', advising you to switch over to avoid difficulties.

Is this really improving search? Or is this just the user being caught up in a battle of tactics? Of course there has always been money involved in getting to the top of search engines but this fight is setting a dangerous precedent of 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours' in an arena that most certainly doesn't need favoritism.


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