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Bing sneaking up on competitors

A thought occurred to me today that, caught up in all this battle for power between Google and News Corp, Google and Facebook, Google and Yahoo (noticing a pattern here), I hadn't checked up on Bing's progress for a while.

Sure enough I took a look at their blog post from yesterday and suddenly realised they are sneaking up on the inside rail of everyone. Google and Yahoo seem to be occupied keeping the lid on top of a giant can of worms, whilst Bing continue to be make some very notable break throughs in search technology.

Just take a look at this post: Connecting people, places and things (warning - article may seem like never ending novel!)

If you stick with it you can see how Bing are clearly trying to address problems, adapt to demand and offer genuine alternatives to a very dated search model. They must be loving the tiff currently embroiling the search engine rivals, meanwhile sneaking off to the garden shed and getting on with their project without anyone noticing. Google should be wary.


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