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Is a blog a useful source for insight?

Here's a (hopefully) interesting scenario... If a major headline broke out in a small town and you had the choice of a house hold national paper reporting the piece, or a blogger from someone near the area, which source would you trust the most? A national of course has the professional journalists, the expensive equipment and the experience of reporting news to the viewer but the blogger could well be an eye witness, or far more knowledgeable on the subject than a reporter flown in last minute.

Something the web has done is allow voices to spring up without restriction and while there still seems to be a desire for reliable names online there is also a revolution (most notably with the likes of Twitter and Facebook) rising with new methods of sharing stories.

Previously an eye witness might have got a twenty second piece to camera, guided by the questions being posed. But now, they are free to Tweet, blog and share their views on events which can give a far deeper, more meaningful sense to a news piece. The online news industry must be aware of this. Right now they sit on a perch of built up trust but over time, will anyone actually care where they get their insight from?


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