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Why real-time web?

A big theme coming from Le Web this week was 'we can do real-time, but why?' Such as the case with many new breakthroughs people take time to figure out the real use, the most relevant use. And I got the sense that the technology was ahead of the human thought process on this one.

A lot of B2C companies were trying to explain why, if you were searching for a cooking recipe for example, you'd want the most up to date instructions. But that is complete nonsense. I couldn't give two tablespoons of sugar (if that wasn't a saying it is now) how old a recipe is, if it makes me look good then the job is done. Similarly people were quick to use the recent Tiger Woods scandal as an example of situation where people want to know fast and furious updates...really? The only reason I can see for this is to look like the big know it all at the pub, as if you're closer to the Tiger camp then anyone else ('Oh, have you heard he did it in the kitchen with a candlestick?)

The real use of the real time web is for business, and those who value breaking news as game changing announcements. Reactions in hours, not days can be a crucial factor in business success or failure and the ability to learn instantly the actions of a close competitor or customer could well make or break a deal.

Whilst I have no qualms about getting constant updates from the Tiger household, as it's interesting if nothing else, it's not exactly putting advanced technology to the most productive of uses is it? Especially when you have the world and his wife tweeting that they've hopped into bed with Tiger as well.


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