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649,000 results...gee, you shouldn't have

Having been asked to research a specific company the other day I was (as you can imagine) delighted to be presented with stories 1-10 of 649,000 results. Fantastic. Whilst I'm sure looking at all 649,000 documents in all their glory would certainly make me an expert, I'm also fairly sure by the time I was finished I may no longer own my own set of teeth.

And that's just the first place to look. Let's not forget the wonderful world of social media which can be a rich source of information and insight (as well as providing some great gossip). It's no wonder then, that sales cycles are apparently getting longer. The fact that anyone closes them at all using this format should be seen as a minor miracle.

That's why it's so important to be tracking the news now, rather than just dipping into it when you have to. Using sales intelligence data in this way can mean calling at just the right time, knowing exactly what your triggers are and having a perfect solution ready and waiting. There is more to research than there ever has been before, but the good thing is, using media monitoring tools has made research easier than ever before. Incidentally the term media monitoring brings back 31,000,000 results in your average search engine...Makes 649,000 look like a stroll in the park.


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