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Aggregating vampires...sounds like a good film

Today's certainly a tough day for your average Internet researcher after a recent study revealed that considerable time spent on the web is linked with high levels of depression...Great. These nine cups of empty coffee sat next to me suggest otherwise, so ha science, stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

As if that wasn't bad enough I saw head of HDnet Mark Cuban calling news aggregation providers 'vampires' referring to the sucking of all that blood and leaving publishers bone dry. How many more times do we have to hear this ridiculous argument? Yes content is key, and yes publishers provide the content but aggregation is a service. It's not stealing the information, it's using it. Rather than vampires, aggregators are like bees. They take the pollen from the plant and use it effectively. You don't see plants building big old pay walls next to their stems do you?

Publishers are frustrated because they haven't found a way to monetize. But don't take your anger out on the delivery boy. They are bringing your content to the people that want it. It's the web equivalent of a paper round. Building a fort around content and demanding people say the magic password before they can enter is not going to solve anything. Now, if you'll excuse me I must go drink more coffee and cry myself to sleep.


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