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I've been playing Paper toss but apparently everyone else is on Facebook

2.2 billion minutes is quite a long time when you think about it. I mean, to give that some kind of perspective, that's nearly double the length of average injury time added on at Manchester United matches and at least two sittings of a Lord of the Rings film. But apparently that's how long the UK spent browsing Facebook using -just their mobile phone- in December alone. And that's only taking into account 3 out of 5 major networks...Wow. That really is a staggering statistic.

16 million people in the UK accessed the Internet via their mobile phone in December. They viewed a total of 6.7 billion pages. One can only assume the NHS is spending billions on lamp post related injuries going into 2010.

These figures really are mind blowing though. And surely they are still just at the beginning. As usability and adoption continue to grow, the stats will only increase. When you consider these huge numbers it's worth noting that a survey by Aberdeen group of 505 companies revealed that those using sales intelligence apps reported an average saving of 9% in search time. That's quite a lot of minutes right there...Probably only three quarters of a Lord of the Rings film.


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