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Gore the last to take sides

Al Gore is now the last man standing between the complete separation of the Apple/Google board. Following Eric Schmidt's decision to leave the Apple table earlier this year Arthur Levinson has now jumped the other way leaving former US vice President Gore the last link between the two giants. So what exactly does this mean?

Well in the the short term it means Levinson values his position at Apple more than he does Google, which basically suggests he's backing Apple in the big race for the cloud. But in the long term this separation is really Google taken off the lead and being given the freedom it wants to compete in the field.

Google is now in direct competition with both Apple and Microsoft and with the parties completely divided there'll be no room for niceties. Until now, the big question has always been 'PC or MAC?' but make no mistake about it, these board room changes signal the start of an era where the big two all of a sudden become the big three. Yes, of course Google are already giants in their own right, but branching out of search and competing with 'cloud computing' will take them to a whole new level.


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