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Google throwing mud and hoping it sticks

Google are trying to take over the world. It's all but official. Having just yesterday discovered they were entering the online music industry today I discover they are set to offer free sat nav, an announcement that probably had the likes of Tom Tom yelling 'thanks a lot guys!' (perhaps with several more expletives involved). Since when has it become acceptable to destroy an entire industry in one quick press release?

The war path seems relentless with other experiments including 'helping' newspapers, rivaling desktops and attempting to become one, gigantic library. Is this a healthy trend? I've heard many debate whether Tesco should be allowed a bank status this week claiming we are risking a monopoly environment in Britain and you do wonder whether Google being online is helping them avoid all kinds of legislation that others are being forced to fight. Fair enough they're locked in battle over the rights to the world's literature but it's certainly safe to say they would be working around many more loopholes if they were stealing as much ground on dry land.

I shouldn't complain too much I suppose, my blog might get taken offline. After all, Blogger is owned by Google...There's a surprise.


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