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Quick fixes don't have to be a bad thing

I've noticed some criticism aimed Facebook's way this week after they responded to complaints that their new 're-connect' service had bought up some profiles of the deceased, by adding dedicated memorial pages for users who had passed away. Sceptics have said it was a quick fix to a big mistake and that Facebook were just closing the gate to make sure no more horses embarrassingly bolted.

But although this is a particularly sensitive subject which, understandably caused upset to those involved, you can't criticise Facebook for the response. Yes, it was clearly a mistake, something that hadn't been considered in enough detail but fixing a problem quickly and turning it into something positive should be commended rather than slated.

That's what makes the Internet such a powerful tool especially with the web 2.0 era allowing easy interaction between provider and consumer. An error is an error but working on a solution and producing an answer is exactly what online communication is all about. Only with an understanding and working relationship between parties can the real solutions be discovered.


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