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Trust the issue

It was interesting to see the differing fortunes of Amazon and Ebay this week. Whilst Ebay blamed a troubled market for a slump in their profit forecast Amazon were busy announcing big successes in the last few months and already planning ahead to a bumper Christmas period.

To me, this sums up why yesterday's blogged about decision to include Twitter and Facebook updates in Google/Bing search results is coming at completely the wrong time. Though the recession has seen many big names go to the wall, it has also shored up the reputation of many trusted brands. People are more cautious with money, and therefore more cautious about who they are giving it to.

With Ebay, you're putting your faith in the fellow user, with Amazon you're putting your faith in the company. It's extremely simple; at a time of insecurity people want brands that offer security. That's the reason for the contrast in fortunes and that's the reason why finding the best sources, not the most sources to handle queries is more important to an online user. That is why the integration of Tweets into search engine results will ultimately fail.


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