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Be ready to pounce on an opportunity

I do try and keep my football addiction away from this blog where possible but like many today I can't help but be struck down by the news that David Beckham is now set to miss the World Cup this summer due to injury. Now you may be thinking 'what has David Beckham possibly got to do a blog that focuses on sales leads and search?' and believe me, I've had to fight long and hard to find a correlation stable enough to let me write about the subject.

But the reason why I mention it today is because the incident pretty much sums up the unpredictability of life. Here is a man who was destined to play for his country one last time. He'd fought all the odds, done absolutely everything right and fate seemed to dictate that David Beckham would make it for one last swan song, one last glorious goodbye. The nation expected it, as did the rest of the world. But one stumble on the turf has completely shattered this entire outlook. And more to the point, out of nowhere it has opened the door for somebody else to step in.

And I guess that's what my point really. In business terms, just like football it is simply impossible to guess what will happen from day to day. What may seem an impossible cause one day will suddenly become extremely achievable the next. What's bad news for some, could be great news for others. The message here is things can change very quickly and you need to be waiting and ready to pounce when they do. If you're not tracking your market carefully enough, then you'll miss your opportunity, and as Beckham found out yesterday, margins for error can be very small.


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