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Stages of the sale

Something that hasn't escaped our notice here at the Artesian hub, is the need for different news at different times during a sales cycle. Potential customers simply can not be placed into one big pen and treated the same. As some creep down the sales funnel ahead of others the importance of relevant news expands.

For example, looking for a lead means exactly that. You're looking for something to justify your call, nothing else matters. But if you're on the very brink of closing a deal you want to know everything about that company from management changes to the canteen menu in order to foresee and respond to any potential barriers.

With search, it is very hard to section these stages into groups without simply increasing the number of work hours needed to keep track of the diversifying news. Which is why we're working on a far simpler solution which allows customers to track companies through different stages of the process very easily. To steal the wise words of that famous philosopher Tesco, every little helps.


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