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Sell for a reason

I love sales tips, genuinely, I can think of little better than spending an afternoon listening to endless advice about the best way to seal a day. Brush your hair to the right, smile at least fifteen times in a pitch and tie your laces in a double knot to show true commitment. Although all of this is probably very good advice I'm not sure if it will truly help in winning a customer.

If someone has a leaking tap they probably won't care if you call on Wednesday, compliment their shirt or pat the dog. They probably just want you to fix the tap. So the plumbers job is not to sit on the front porch politely waiting for a pipe to burst, their job is to make sure that when there is a problem, they are the one picked to do the job.

Having a job to do, a problem to fix is half the battle. By all means tie your laces in a double knot (it's just common sense really) but ultimately I'd focus on having something to sell that's actually going to suit the prospective buyer. If a plumber bought round a mop to fix a pipe, my guess is they probably wouldn't be allowed to fix it.


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