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Post number 200

That's right, today marks the 200th post in Artesian blog history. If you've read all 200 I commend you. 150, pretty good going. Anywhere below 100 and I say to you, where the hell have you been?! You've got some catching up to do. Get reading... Go on, I'll wait.....

What better way to celebrate than to see the news this morning that online news is now vastly more popular than print. It is now the third most popular news source in the US, closely behind national and local TV stations. The Pew Research center, who conducted the survey said "News awareness is becoming an anytime, anywhere, any device activity for those who want to stay informed". Couldn't agree with you more!

Print is very old hack as far as I'm concerned. It's shelf life is limited, it's structure is dated and anyone who drives a happy thought powered Prius will tell you it's shockingly bad for the environment. So here's to the future. Online news, anytime, anywhere, and at the moments that really matter.


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