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The importance of news can change in the sales cycle

Something that seems to be evolving within our development, is the need to surface different varieties of news at different stages of the sales cycle. Depending on how far down the sales funnel you are, some news takes on more relevance and some takes on much less.

For example, at very early stage all you're looking for is away in. If you specialise in marketing for example you're looking for a piece of news that says 'company X holding pitch for campaign' or 'company X ditches marketing agency.' Very straight forward, very specific.

However, further down the line, when it comes to the crunch, you want more than that. What might not have been high priority before suddenly takes centre stage. Say their marketing manager has been caught up in a scandal and faces the chop, that could really mess things up from a sales point of view. Say the CEO has decided to reduce budgets across departments, looking to minimize spending in marketing, you need to know (although, probably don't want to...).

It's vital to keep on top of goings on with potential customers. If you don't know exactly what's happening, how can you tailor what you're selling accordingly? The simple answer is, you can't.


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