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Anyone heard anything about Google Nexus?

It almost seems rude not to talk about the Nexus today, I'm worried I'll be disowned by the web if I don't. Two things are sweeping the country today; snow and Nexus discussion. Will it topple the I Phone? Sorry I can't answer that question but just type in Nexus to Google and around 7 million other volunteers will help you out with your answer.

From the perspective I cover in this blog, it doesn't really matter who wins that battle in this particular case. What does strike me is the overall theme of trying to become 'a one stop shop' for everything.

The banks have been heavily criticised for the same thing, as have the supermarkets, but no one seems to be bothered by the superpowers battling it out for technical supremacy. I think the reason being that in this scenario, the consumer is benefiting. The war is driving rapid progression and people are enjoying the results.

Of course, this is currently a very good thing. But the same power that drives progression can very quickly form a stale, monopoly market and this fine balancing act needs to be addressed if the web is to continue to be the free and vast source of information it currently is.


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