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Q4 Google results

(data from searchengineland)

Eric Schmidt's quote on future deals with China was great today. As Google's positive q4 results were somewhat blighted by the fact they've kicked off World War 3 Schmidt was quick to try and defuse the situation claiming that Google "wants to stay in China but 'under somewhat different terms'”...So basically theirs. And not getting hacked every five minutes would be much appreciated too.

The ongoing dispute shouldn't hide Google's positive quarter though. In tough conditions they keep on building and with more advertising budget set to move from TV to online this year the figures should only rise for the time being.

Schmidt must be worried about the American government getting involved in his affairs though. There is going to be a lot of very careful strategy between the US and China in the coming months, and Google are standing right in the middle of the battlefield frantically looking for an escape route.


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