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Going mobile

Yet another sign that things are very much going mobile with the announcement that Apple have bought Quattro Wireless for $275 million. Google raised more than a few eyebrows at the end of last year when they splashed out on $750 million rated Admob and this move by Apple is a direct response, grabbing hold of their hat and catching up with the train.

Now would be a great time to say you specialise in mobile advertising, you might just find someone starts throwing millions of pounds at you. For those (myself included) who merely comment on those having money thrown at them, it's another signifier that the giants have well and truly made their minds up where the future is.

This adds further fuel to the fire that search as we know it is dying. Mobile apps are not designed to aid the search process, they're designed to find quick answers. The term 'search results' is fast being shortened to just 'results'.


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